My book draw is now closed, and ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! I did the random draw this morning, and Colengal will be receiving a copy of my book, Wanderlust: A Social History of Travel. Colengal, I will be e-mailing you privately to get your snail mail address. Thanks so much to everyone […]
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Book giveaway: Wanderlust

It all started when I began wondering where passports came from. I pitched every magazine editor I knew on a story about the history of passports, but no one–and I mean no one–was interested. Fine, I thought. I’ll broaden the concept and make it into a book. The history of passports eventually became a chapter […]
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A bit of shameless self-promotion here: travel journalist Bob Fisher recently interviewed me about my book “Wanderlust: A Social History of Travel” for his excellent website, Travelosophy. Here’s a link to the podcast.
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