Ever wanted to run your own home exchange site? Do you have an artistic bent? Montreal-based ArtStudioExchanges.com is for sale (along with its French-language version, TrocAtelier.com). Aimed at artists and art teachers who need somewhere to stay for a vacation or sabbatical, the home-swap site is for sale because the owner–a full-time artist and picture […]
Read the rest of this entry »Archive for the ‘Home Exchanges’ Category
Everything you wanted to know about home swaps
Well, I’m not sure if it’s everything you wanted to know about home swaps, but I’ve done my best to include lots of useful information in my recent article on home exchanging for SlowEurope.com. You’ll find interviews with home exchangers, an annotated list of some of the leading sites with European listings, and more. And […]
Read the rest of this entry »Video: House swapping from SmartMoney.com
Every time the economy hits a roadblock, a whole new generation of media and travelers seems to rediscover home swapping as though it had just been invented. The truth is, though, that this fun and frugal way of seeing the world has been around since the 1950s. Back in the day, swapping clubs published huge […]
Read the rest of this entry »Video: CNN on the joys of house swapping
CNN first aired this video on home swapping in 2005, but the tips and insights on are pretty timeless. And even though the woman profiled has a flat in Manhattan, don’t think you have to have a home in a hot tourist area to swap! With a little work, you can probably find someone somewhere […]
Read the rest of this entry »Another chance to win a home exchange club membership!
Julie Ovenell-Carter’s contest to win a free membership in a home exchange club continues to generate interest! Just this week, another home exchange website, 1stHomeExchange.com, offered to give away a one-year membership to her readers–and sent a link to 66 great tips for home exchangers. Head over to the contest post at theseboots.travel for details.
Read the rest of this entry »Win a free year’s membership in a home exchange club
My friend Julie Ovenell-Carter writes a great travel blog called These Boots, which is aimed at independent travellers, and she’s running a contest. The prizes? One-year memberships offered by two home exchange organizations, HomeLink International and Intervac. All you have to do to enter is go to the blog post announcing the contest and leave […]
Read the rest of this entry »Five tips for happy house swappers

Given the economy, more and more people are considering house swapping as a great way to save money on their next trip. (Of course, “like a local” sorts have been doing it for years, as much to get a taste of local culture as to cut down on expenses.) On your next swap, here are […]
Read the rest of this entry »Long-term house swapping

Until very recently, if you Googled “house swapping,” you’d generally uncover sites such as HomeLink and Intervac: organizations that focus on helping vacationers switch homes for a few weeks at a time. Lately, however, I’ve been hearing about more people arranging longer exchanges. Swaps of six months to a year have long been a small […]
Read the rest of this entry »Video: Value of house swapping
Stacy Johnson of MoneyTalksNews.com is the latest in a series of reporters who have realized that house swapping makes financial sense in a tough economy. His video focuses on a Florida couple who have swapped 20 times.
Read the rest of this entry »House swapping article at MarieClaire.com
Just wanted to mention that Kim Mance, editor-in-chief of the online women’s travel magazine Galivanting, linked to my advice on home swapping in an article for MarieClaire.com. Her story has lots of excellent advice for people looking to save money while travelling. And these days, isn’t that all of us? Thanks for the link, Kim!
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